Strategic Vendor Partners–Part 2
https://bradenglert.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Benglert_Blog_18_0611-1024x536.jpg 1024 536 Brad Englert Advisory Brad Englert Advisory https://bradenglert.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Benglert_Blog_18_0611-1024x536.jpgHere are the thoughts that I shared with a strategic vendor partner on what makes a great consultant:
- They exceed client expectations.
- They build long-term business relationships and become a trusted advisor.
- They have a passionate desire to learn about the client’s business, strategy, and objectives.
- They offer options to solve problems and recommend tailored solutions.
- They demonstrate personal integrity, initiative, empathy, and competence.
- They are patient and respectful: a humble practitioner.
- They are willing to tactfully take a stand.
- They thrive under pressure and deliver on time and on budget.
- They ask for help and apologize when necessary.
- They ask good questions and actively listen.
These are also the traits of exceptional employees.
You have to communicate clearly and completely what you do or do not appreciate about their work. If you don’t ask for help, your account representative (or their supervisor) may have no way of knowing you are dissatisfied—and so can’t fix your problem. If they fail to address your needs, it’s time to move up the company’s management chain until you get a satisfactory resolution—otherwise, never retain them again.